Posts Tagged ‘Daily habit’

Daily Habits

My daily habit tracker.


My daily habit was to read every day and to get outside every day. I chose these because I want to get better at reading and they are both good for me to do everyday. It felt good to have something to do every day and be able to color it in on the tracker and see your progress throughout the whole month. Doing this made me notice many things. For example, I noticed that I read a lot more than I think I do. I also noticed that  when I don’t do one of my daily habits than my day feels incomplete.

Before we did our own daily habits we did a plank  everyday. This daily habit was a little harder than just reading every day or going outside. But it showed us that you can do any daily habit you want. Even if it is just making your bed or going on a 3 mile run every day.  I thought that mine would be good for me because with doing so much online school it feels so good just to get outside and take a break from the screen. I chose to read every day because I am a pretty slow reader and i would like to get better at reading and to read faster.

Those where only my daily habits for January. For February I think that I am going to still read every day but replace get outside with relax. I just think that with all this school stuff and COVID-19 i just need a time to relax during the day when no one can interrupt me.I plan to have a successful month with lots of time to read and relax.

You can have a daily habit too! And you don’t even need anything!

Have a good day and I will see you next time!