Posts Tagged ‘TED talks’

TED Talk

Hello, it is good to be back! In Language Arts, for the past week my classmates and I have been practicing and presenting TED talks. They are all so interesting some about climate change and some about masking emotion. I did mine on the different types of RVs. I did this because when I was 7, I traveled in an RV for two and a half years with my family around the country. This was the outgoing experience! Doing this changed my life, so I decided to tell people how to chose which RV is best for them so that maybe they will end going on an RV trip like I did. Let’s look into more detail on how we did these talks.

First of, we had to start by choosing what we wanted to do and why it is important to us and the audience. I think that quite a few people had trouble with “Why is this important to me” part. This is because some people wanted to just do a cool topic that would be interesting but it doesn’t really add anything. In the end, everybody ended up having very interesting and important TED talks.

The next step, was to decide how you want to start your TED talk. Some people started with a question, a picture or even just a statement. I started mine off with two questions. The first one was “Have you ever wanted to buy an RV and travel?”. Then I went into talking about how many family’s have traveled the country in an RV. My next question was, “Does anybody know any types of RVs”. When I asked this I didn’t get any names of RV. After that I went into talking about the different types of RVs.

The last step, is to have a conclusion. I feel like I didn’t really have one of these. Or at least I just forgot to say it, which kind of disappointed me. Though most people did have them and they’re very important because it kind of ties everything that you were talking about together. Since I didn’t have a conclusion, I ended mine with showing a bunch of pictures of my travel in an RV. Because I thought that everybody would like it and they did and it was just cool to see the inside of my RV. In the end, nobody’s going to be perfect but you can make it the best you want to be.


Do you want to listen to TED talks?

Go to TED Ed or you could just go to the TED app and watch tons of amazing TED talks!